SPRIT ProductS Gallery
Design & MadE by SPRiT
State Of The Art Designs
Custom PCBs - SPRiT Edition - since 2013
Store Page > www.spritdesigns.com/product-page/pcb
Full LED, Full Macro, Programmable, Underglow
60% - Face W, ALPS 60, Choc 60
75% - A75 W, ALPS 75, Choc 75
87% - A87 W, ALPS 87, Choc 87
110% - A110 W, ALPS 110, Choc 110
PCBs ::: SW loaded & Tested ::: SPRiT Edition
- You can get one of the best quality controlled PCBs available. No scratches, No factory defects, Perfect color finish.
- All Factory pre-soldered & Tested. Designed & Manufactured in Korea, Inspected by SPRiT Team
- ANSI + ISO in one PCB and Plate (The very First from Korean customs in 2013, Concept Design by SPRiT)
- Extra 5V 4 pin connector hole for the latest auto controlled LED strips(a lot on eBay) for the Underglow effects
- All Programmable Keys, SW & HW Keymap, SW & HW Macro, FN key at any position, Full LED Effects since 2013
- Newly designed mounting Holes for the PCB and Case (Design by SPRiT for Systematic Oscillatory reasons *Copyright)
- SPRiT FaceW 60, A87W, 110W PCB support : Standard 1.25x 1.25x 1.25x 6.25x Winkey, 1.5x 1x 1.5x 7x 1.5x 1x 1.5 Winkeyless,
- 1.5x 1x 1.5x 6 x 1.5x 1x 1x 1.5 Winkeyless, 1x1.5x 7(6)x 1.5x1 60% HHKB
- SPRiT 75W MX-mini supports : 1.25x 1x 1.25x 6.25x 1.25x 1x1x (1x1x1) Winkey, 1.5x 1.5x 7x 1.5x 1.5x (1x1x1) Winkeyless
- Supports All the available keycaps (Centered & off-centerd Capslock, 6u, 6.25u, 7u Spacebars, 1x1 Backspace, ANSI+ISO Shift & Enter)